To our friends and followers,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce that the Catskill Jazz Factory is ceasing its operations after eight extraordinary years.
As we reach the anniversary of our founding artist residency of 2012, we can't help but take a moment to look back at our fondest memories and achievements. It has been a transformative road filled with concerts small and large, audiences near and far, and phenomenal talent across the board. From humble Catskills beginnings on Main Street in Tannersville to headlining world premiere performances at venues like the New York Botanical Gardens and the Palazzo Corsini in Florence, Italy, it has been an honor and a privilege to grace these stages!
23Arts Initiative, our sister non-profit based in our hometown of Tannersville, has cancelled its 23Arts Summer Music Festival for 2020 and is taking an indefinite hiatus due to COVID-19. We would like to take a special moment to send sincere thanks to our donors for making everything possible and enabling our work.
To all of our co-presenters, venue partners, sponsors, followers, volunteers, community members, and audiences, thank you for being with us along the way.
To our artists, thank you for being an inspiration not only to our audiences but to all of us behind the scenes.
Our journey over the past eight years has been life-changing and we will always remember the experiences that we have shared. We hope that your memories with us serve the same. Check out the new ARCHIVE section on our website as we continue to upload photo, video and other content dating all the way back to our founding in 2012 to today!
Catskill Jazz Factory
Absolutely LIve Entertainment - ADACA - Rob Adkins - Yuri Alexandrov - Elena Alexandrova - Beatrice Alford - All Angels' Church - All Souls' Church - Armin & Lynne Allen - Douglas & Lena Edlund Almond - Michael Alterman - Rose Altreuter - Royal K Altreuter - Ruth Anasu - Peter Anderson - Will Anderson - Apple Tree Venture Management - Argento New Music Project - Leora Armstrong - Scott & Christiana Arnold - Arnt Arntzen - Evan Arntzen - Arts Mid Hudson - Arts People - Ehud Asherie - Alvin Atkinson - Attacca Quartet - Gordon Au - Justin Michael Austin - Michael Axtell - Nadezhda Ayd - H. Fairfax & Andrea Ayres - Justin Badenhorst - Helena Baillie - Shawn Baltazor - Maurycy Banaszek - Bank of Greene County - Vadim Baranovsky - Eddie Barbash - Alexa Barchini - Bard College Richard B. Fisher Center for Performing Arts - Alexandra H. Barker - Brandon Barker - Peter & Beth Barker - Robin Barnes - Patrick Bartley - Michael Bates - Tyler Bates - Matt Bauder - Theodore & Martha Baumeister - Simeon & Jennifer Bayles - Bearsville Theater - Matt Bell - Bell House Brooklyn - Benny Benack III - Gina Benalcazar - Peter & Mel Bennett - Bennett Middle School - Gunnar Berg - Peter Bernstein - Camille Bertault - Brian and Ute Betancourt - Pat Bianchi - Mariel Bildsten - Bioforce USA - Stephen & Lisa Birnbaum - Benjamin Biro - Bistro Brie & Bordeaux - Jay Bitkower - Seneca Black - Tim Blackmon - Dan Block - TK Blue - Richard Boak - Russell Boggess & Caroline Rowley - Alex Bogner - Diana Bontecou - Emily Bookwalter - Annie Borgenicht - Avi Bortnick - Peter & Sissel Bos - David Boswell - Bottini Fuel - Frederic & Jocelyn Bowne - Harvey Boyer - Mrs. Grace Boyle - Stuart & Anne Bresklow - Linda Briceño - Marianne Brigham - Brooklyn Museum - Karen Brooks - Gregory Brown - Aidan & Elyse M. Browne - Wendell Brunious - G. Stafford & Bridget Bucknall - Bucknall Family Foundation - Jan Buczek - Thomas F. Bundy Jr. - Peter & Marilyn Bundy - Abe Bunks - Merilyn M Burr - Bob Bursey - Dianne and Joe Butt - Sean & Kelly Byrne - Chris Cade - Andy Cahill - Cairo-Durham High School - Cairo-Durham Middle School - Thomas & Paula Canning - Howard Carlin - Brian Carpenter - Bryan Carter - Rashaan Carter - Sage Carter - Marc Cary - Ron Caswell - Bruce & Celia Catania - Catskill Mountain Foundation - Joey 'G Clef' Cavaseno - James & Claire Cecchi - Maria Cermeli - Josh Chamberlain - Gil Scott Chapman - Patricia Charbonneau - Etienne Charles - Melanie Charles - Sarah Elizabeth Charles - Jesse Chason - Mary Lou Chatterton - Vince Cherico - Larry Chernicoff - Chet-5 Productions - Gary Chetkof - Adrien Chevalier - Nate Chinen - Dan Chmielinski - Gus & Courtney Christensen - Georgia Christgau - Christie's London - Evan Christopher - CK Williams Foundation - Alexander Claffy - Brooks & Kate Clark - Lucius D. & Kathryn Nay Clay - Dwayne Clemons - Jerry Clicquot - Hannah Coffin - Jared & Mia Coffin - Peter & Abby Coffin - Ansel Cohen - Emmet Cohen - Martin Cohen - Randi and Larry Cohen - Janice Coleman - Samuel Coleman - Kyle Colina - Joanne Colon - Henry Conerway Jr. - Patrick & Jenny Connelly - Kristine & Robert Constable - Eric Cooper - Sissel Cooper-Bos - Barbara Corcoran - John & Anne Coster - Adam Coté - Wyatt Courtney & Wendy Gardner - Marion Cowings - Dan Cray - Faylotte Crayton - Crazy Coq's London - CREATE - Sam Crittenden -Timothy Cross - Stanley Crouch - The Crowmatix - Culinary Institute of America at Hyde Park - James R. Curley - Patrick & Jane Curley - Caleb Curtis - Cuyahoga Community College Foundation - Michele Dahl - Isaac Darche - Christie Dashiell - Martina DaSilva - Beth Davenport - Alana Davis - Chris & Andrea Davis - Kate Davis - Quincy Davis - Terri Davis - William & Tracy Davlin - Bruce & Gracia Dayton - Greg Dayton - Jon and Hendy Dayton - Dominique & Carlo de Vito - Deer Mountain Inn - Francesca DePasquale - Lauren Desberg - Greg DeTurck - Alan & Kathleen Devenish - Beverly Resnik Dezan - Sarah Dhar - Aaron Diehl - Tambra Dillon - Keelan Dimick - Brandi Disterheft - Walter Ditman - Doctorow Center for the Arts - Toru Dodo - Kevin Dorn - Brendan Dougher - Darrian Douglas - Dezron Douglas - Kingman Scott & Susan Douglass - Mark Dover - Dover Plains Elementary School - Dover Plains High School - William Doyle - John DuBois - Meera Dugal - Kathy Duncan - Dorsey and Susan Dunn - Daniel Dunninger - Dutchess Day School - Matt Dwonszyk - Marta Dyjak - Joe Dyson - Cedric Easton - Brian & Tessa Eilbott - Anna Elashvili - Jesse Elder - Richard Elder - Erika Elliott - DJ Radar Ellis - Joyce T Engel - Duane Eubanks - Ben Eunson - Tatiana Eva-Marie - Orrin Evans - Helen Exum - Exxonmobil Foundation - Edward and Helen Ezrick - Feya Faku - Tony Falco - The Falcon - Alice St Clair Fane (Alan Moon) - Maximilian Fane - Dominick Farinacci - Doug Farrell & Randy Conte - Steven Feifke - Hedy & Martin Feit - Marion Felder - Nir Felder - Diane Fennelly - Massimo Ferragamo - Barton & Susan Ferris - Michael Figueiredo - Matt Finck - Shane and Odaria Finemore - Suzanne Desimone Finkenaur - Nick Finzer - Britton & Melina Fisher - Emily Fisher - Dewitt Fleming Jr. - Ben Flocks - Brian Flynn - Steven & Lynne Foote - Bruno & Susan Forcella - Sullivan Fortner - Ruben Fox - Raynel Frazier - The Frederick H Gillmore Fund - Emanuela Friscioni - Fromer Market Gardens - Joan Frost - Jim Fryer - Future Folk Musik - Tanya Gabrielian - Vera Gaidoch - Mary B. Gaillard - Michel Galante - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Galatti - Noah Garabedian - Maureen Garcia - Rob Garcia - The Garden Museum London - Jono Gasparro - Joseph & Deborah Gelmis - Yohan Giaume - Leslie Gibson and Edward Maluf - Ann Gifford - Jonathan Gill & Lucy Newman - Frederick & Dolores Gillmore - Carol Giordano - Vince Giordano - Hans Glawischnig - Jorge Glem - Nicole Glover - Carol Goebel - Kevin Goering - Harold Goldberg - Joe Goldberg - Charles Goold - John & Alice Gordon - Wycliffe Gordon - Elizabeth J Gorman - Andrew Gould - Victor Gould - Josh Gouzy - Pamela Graf - The Grandview Steers Foundation - James Grant - The Grant Family Charitable Fund - Roger Granville - Samuel Gray - Taylor & Ginny Gray - Greene County Council on the Arts - Greenville Drive-In 32 - Greenwich House - Peter Greer - Mrs. David Gregg III - Martin Gresack - Liya Grigoryan - Derek Gripper - Michael Grofsorean - Elizabeth Gross - Roland Guerin - Andrew Gutauskus - Renana Gutman - Michael Hackman - Michelle Hackman - Steve Hackman - Mary B Haik - Haines Falls United Methodist Church - Benjamin & Jennifer Hall - Russell Hall - G. David Phelps Hamar - Caleb Hammons - Juliana Han - Yehuda and Hannah Hanani - Malcolm and Janis Handte - Paul Hanmer - Kathryn Hanna - Ehren Hanson - Irmgard Sell & Peter Hanson - John A. Hardy - The Harlem Strutters - Harlem School of the Arts - Sophie Harley - Herman Harmelink - Audrey DuBois Harris - Seth & Ariane Harrison - Keyon Harrold - Courtney Hartman - Curtis Hasselbring - Hathaway House - Jonas Havens - Walter Havighurst - Seton Hawkins - Charles Haynes - Randall Haywood - Gilad Hekselman - Michael Heller - Robert Hemm - Geoffrey C Henry - Chris Hensley - Helen Henson - Heritage Mark Foundation - Fred Hersch - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hersey - Jessica Hertz - George Hewitt - Babette Hierholzer - Highland High School - Marquis Hill - Sally Hill - Cliff Hines - Cy Hodgson - Jazzmeia Horn - Alphonso Horne - Daniel Horowitz - Hotel Mountain Brook - Anush Hovhannisyan - Candice Hoyes - Shannon Hoyt - Hudson Hall - Hudson-Chatham Winery Tannersville - C. Andrew Hughes - Human Hands - Aneas Humm - Ernest & Holly Hunt - Phoebe Hunt - Reverend Ernest & Mrs. Elsie Hunt III - The Hunter Foundation - Hunter -Tannersville Central Elementary - Hunter Foundation - James Hurt - Professor Louie Hurwitz - Philip & Mary Huyck - Ian MacTaggart Trust - Ethan Iverson - Franklin Jackson - Noah Jackson - Colin Jacobsen - Marty Jaffe - Anne Jakubowski - Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitney Janeway - Georgina Javor - Jake Jeppson & Saga Blane - Elizabeth Jeppson - Shenel Johns - Aaron Johnson - Alice V. Johnson - Allyn Johnson - Bruce & Kathryn Johnson - Eliza Johnson - Christopher C. Johnson - David W. Johnson - Kate deForest Johnson, Jr. - Keith Johnson - Matthew H. Johnson - Sarah A. Johnson - Seth Johnson - W. Macy Johnson - Andrew B. and Eileen Johnson III - Elliott S. Jones - Mimi Jones - Mr and Mrs. Oliver H. Jones - Danny Jonokuchi - Rodney Jordan - Pastor Juhye - Kaaterskill United Methodist Church - Ryan Kamm - Anton Kandaurov - Allan & Joanne Kane - Peter & Carol Kaplan - Martha Kapraszewski - David Kashman - Loren & Anita Kashman - Michael Katsobashvili - Justin Kauflin - Dan Kaufman - Robin Kaukonen - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keiffer - Jon-Erik Kellso - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kenny - Richard M. Keresey - Nonhlanhla Kheswa - Tissa Khosla - Jaram Kim - Daniel & Jennifer King - Kings Theatre Brooklyn - Kingston High School - Anne Kirkup - Macy Kleinfelder - Ryan & Sara Kleinfelder Cook - Susan Kleinfelder - Byron & Rebecca Robertson Knief - Chandra Knotts - Sharon Knudsen - William Koenig - Bari Koral - Tamar Korn - Charlotte Korycki - Rudolph Koschyk - Mark Kostin - Matt Koza - Russell Kratz - Serena Kratz - Susan Kukle - Charles Kutcher - Alexa Kwiatkowski - Michael Lamanec - Nathan Lambertson - Claudia Lane - Adam Larson - Ellen Lasch - Last Chance Antiques & Cheese Café - Andy Laster - Christopher LaTerza - Sally Lau - Diedre Laurilliard - Matt Leach - Leap Inn Inc - Lawrence Leathers - Brandon Lee - Mari Lee - Mike Lee - Wayne Lee - Ulana Legedza - Wira Legedza - Barclay Leib - Chad Leifkowitz-Brown - Sarah Leonard - Michela Marino Lerman - Dan Levinson - The Levites - Mark Lewandowski - Elizabeth and George Lewis - Victoria Lichtendorf - Dennis Lichtman - Lydia Liebman - Jasmine Lin - Peter Lin - David Linard - Ronald Lipton - Liz Livingston - Mark Lopeman - Diego Lopez - Lotos Club - Guy Loughran - Godwin Louis - Joe Lovano - Joe Loverro - Scott Lowrie - Anne & Arthur Lubow - John Lumpkin II - Ilya Lushtak - Meredith Lustig - The Lyle Foundation - Jimmy Macbride - Bill Machow - Antonio Madruga - Michael & Pat Magdol - Maggie's Krooked Cafe - Sean Mahoney - Sean Mahoney - Catherine Makk - Sal Maneri - Garrett Manley - Norman Manno - Bob & Magdalena Manno - Mansion House at Alfie's - Daniel and Kimberley Marcus - Rocco Marinaccio - Marist College - Raviv Markowitz - Jason Marsalis - Jason Marshall - Hector Martignon - James & Elda Martocci - Karen Martorelli - Sasha Masakowski - Jennifer Masters - Ole Mathisen - Sarah Mattice - Joseph McAleer - Drew McCabe - Mary & Lawrence McCaffrey - Nora McCaffrey & Helen Birney - Robert McCaffrey - Dallas McCann - Joe McDonough - Margo and Robert McGilvrey - Carol McGonnell - Lori Mcgowan - Mayor Lee & Doria McGunnigle - Janet McKean - Joseph and Elisabeth McLaughlin - Gabriel King Medd - Valerie Meddaugh - André Mehmari - Danny Melnick - The Memton Fund - Pablo Menares - Roy Mendl - Camila Meza - Mezzrow - Jonathan Michel - Nathalie and Tony Milbank - Samuel L. & Dominique Milbank - Tony Milbank - Alyson Milbourn - Millbrook Arts Group - Millbrook High School - Millbrook Library - Allison Miller - Geoffrey Miller - Harriet Miller - Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Y. Miller - Robert Miller - Sammy Miller - Victoria P Miller - Sacha Millstone - Shedrick Mitchell - Adam Moezinia - Karen Monk - Monterey Jazz Festival's Next Generation Jazz Orchestra - Lansing & Iliana Moore - Lansing Moore, Jr. - Charles Moore - Scot Moore - Max Moran - Adrian Moring - Matt Morrell - Feliz Moseholm - Alita Moses - David Moss - Mountain Top Arboretum - Mountain Top Library - McCoy Mrubata - Neel Murgai - Jody Murphy - Music Mountain - Michael Mwenso - Joy C Myers - Thomas Myers - J Nadeau - Yasushi Nakamura - The National Jazz Museum of Harlem - Howard Nay - Aurora Nealand - James & Frederica Neff - The Negaunee Foundation - Peter Nelson - Steve Nelson - New Generation Festival - New York Botanical Gardens - New York Hot Jazz Festival - Carol Newhouse - Clancy Newman - Joan Newman - Michael Nicholas - The Nighthawks - Ronald Nilsen - Stuart Nitekman - Nadje Noordhuis - Curtis Nowosad - Lesedi Ntsane - Kevin and Denise O'Brien - O+ Festival - Jimmy O'Connell - Jane O'Connor - Julie Okon - Stephen Olenik - Lewis Oliver - Omega North - Onteora Club Inc. - Orchestra Senzaspine - Orpheum Film & Performing Arts Center - Louis Otey - Endea Owens - Ulysses Owens - Palazzo Corsini, Florence - Mr. and Mrs. Philip Palmer - Pan American Dance Foundation Inc - Pancho Villa's Restaurant - Maria Papson - Frankie Parham - James Parrish - Phyllis Parrish - Nicki Parrot - Ricardo Pascal - Mark & Elena Patterson - Mark Patterson - Chris Pattishall - Louis W. Pauly & Carol Clark - Reid Pauly - Johathan & Patricia Pedersen - Dida Pelled - Joseph Pepe - Tara Pepe - Vanessa Perea - Joe Peri - Jan Perlin - Mr. and Mrs. Brett Pertuz - Ronald Peters and Johna Peachin - Mrs. George A. Peterson - Andrej Petrenko - Elizabeth B Petty - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Petty - Kenny Pexton - Christian Pfister - Eileen Pfreundschuh - Phoenicia Festival of the Voice - Mathis Picard - Michael Piecuch - David Pietrusza - Lucas Pino - Jordan Piper - The Players Club - Piers & Lucy Playfair - Thomas Pletcher - Bonnie Poehmel - Luba Poliak - Jaymes Poling - Catherine Poluski - Mike Ponella - David Pons - Kyle Poole - Russell Pope & Romana Rainey - Alexandra Porter - Linda Currey Post - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Post - Post Road Brew House - Anne & Skip Pratt - Ava Preston - Jeffrey & Sarah Pribyl - John B Price - Daniel Prim - Constance Prince - Proscenium Partners Inc - PS21: Performance Spaces for the 21st Century - Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Puntereri - Queen Esther - Radio Woodstock - Raman Ramakrishnan - Diego Ramirez - Dr. and Mrs. William Raymond - Wills Reardon - John W & Josee Reboul - Pierre W. Reboul - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reibel - Sam Reider - Michael L. & Amanda Reynal - Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reynal - Karen Rhodes - Susan Riback - Damian & Erin Ridealgh - Stephen Riley - Jay Rinsky - Christian Rivera - Marcus Roberts - Sybil Robinson Orr - Phil Robson - James Rodgers - Julius Rodriguez - Teri Roiger - Christopher Roper - Amos Rose - C. Tanner Rose - Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rose III - Susan Rosen - Ben Rosenblum - Jamison Ross - Norman & Leslie Ross - Peter Rossbach - John & Georgiana Rowley - Mrs. Peter Rowley - Chad & Sharon Royce - Chuck & Deborah Royce - Marilyn Royce - Wesley C Royce - Royce Family Fund - Stephen Roylance - Reed Rubey & Leslie Merlin - Larry Russ - Nick Russo - Daniel Ruttan - Molly Ryan - Fernando Saci - Alexander Sade - Lois Saff - Inessa Safronova - Cécile McLorin Salvant - Marta Sanchez - Tecla Palli Sandler - Jeffrey D. Blomstrom & Sarika Sangwan - James and Ann Sanservo - Luca Santaniello - Joan Satterlee - Carole Sayle - Joe Saylor - Amy Scheibe - Joanne Schindelheim - Gabe Schnider - Dr. and Mrs. Robert M Schneider - Rene Schnider - Loren Schoenberg - Ellen Schorsch - Robert Schulman - Dr. Robert & Elizabeth Schwengel - Scribner's Catskill Lodge - Brandon Seabrook - Brian Seeger - Laura Segall - Edward Seidel - George and Ann Selden - James K. & Jessica Selden - Alise de la Selle - Nancy & Sebastian de la Selle - Violette de la Selle - Marvin Sewell - Bonnie Sgarro - Louise Sgarro - Dan Shaut - Susan Shaw - Judith & Robert Sheridan - Evan Sherman - Shilpa Ray - Kathryn Shorts - Carolyn Sielski - Claudette Sierra - Martha Sikes - Paul Sikivie - Roy Silver - Silver City Bound - Denise Simon - Abby & Pierce Sioussat - Jeremy Siskind - Elena Siyanko - Jerre Skeats - Rebecca Skinner - Bria Skonberg - Tatyana Slobodnyak - Carol Slutzky-Tenerowicz - Charles and Natalia Slutzky - Gary & Barbara Slutzky - Allerton G. & Rosalyn Smith - Andrew Smith - Julian Smith - Margaret Smith - Damien Sneed - John Snow - James Snyder - Vuyo Sotashe - Nick Sowul - David Speranza - Vinnie Sperrazza - St. Johns Church Millbrook - Peter Stahl - Devin Starks - Catharina Stassen-Eussen - Dr. FL Stassen - Glenn Statile - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton Steers - Mr. and Mrs. William Macy Steers - Mrs. Charles R.C. Steers - Andy Stein - Wallace Stelzer - Sonny Step - Barry Stephenson - Stereo Hideout - Chad & Jean Sterret - Carol Stevens - Susan Stevens - Frances Stewart - Stewarts Shops - Celine Stillman - Todd Stoll - Thomas Storm - Storm King Art Center - Story Farms LLC - Marcia Strean - Christopher and Stephanie Streich - Harvey & Mary Struthers - Jonathan & Mary Recine Struthers - Mary Struthers - Timothy & Gillian Struthers - SUNY Ulster - Benjamin Sutin - Brandie Sutton - Barbara Swanson - Mazz Swift - Veronica Swift - Peter & Brenda Swords - Candy Systra - Lew Tabackin - Karen & Dick Taggart - Margaret Taggart - Elizabeth Tallmadge - Christian Tamburr - Alexa Tarantino - Keren Tayar - Jumaane Taylor - David Tedeschi - Catherine Teixeira - Dan Tepfer - Paul Thibodeaux - Brianna Thomas - Jonathan Thomas - Joan Thorne - Ed & Diann Thorpe - Ben Tiberio - Nicholas Tishuk - Justin and Andrea Tobin - Maria Todaro - Julius Tolentino - Robert Tolz - David Torkanowsky - Town of Windham - Paul & Sheila Trautman - Leo Traversa - Burniss Travis - Glennon Travis - Tri-C Jazz Festival - Triad Theatre - Herbie Tsoaeli - Evan Tublitz - Charles Turner - Dawn Tutje - Twilight Park - Twin Peaks Coffee & Donuts - Mary Tynes - Noriko Ueda - Ulster Performing Arts Center - Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Underwood - Jay Ungar - Chauncey Upson - Urban Playground Chamber Orchestra - Holly Velez - Dean Viggiano - Villa Vosilla - Village of Tannersville Kids Day Camp - Maria Villavecchia - Arthur Vint - Howard Vipler - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vitz - Suzy Vogler - Charenee Wade - Adam & Meg Waldron - Adam and Susan Waldron - Susan Margaret Waldron - Joanna Wallfisch - John Walsh - Olympia & John Avignone Ward - Michael Ward-Bergeman - Chris Washburne - Kenny Washington - Barbara Wasserman - Jennie Wasserman - Bethia Waterman - Amelia Watkins - Orlando Watson - WDST Utopia Soundstage - Shannon Weaver - Regitze W Weingartner - Pam Weisberg - Paul Wells - David & Patricia West - Ron Westray - Eric Wheeler - Matthew Whitaker - Emily White - Mark Whitfield Jr - Corey Wilcox - Sherwin & Elisabeth Wilk - Edward & Cecilia Willi - Williams Lumber, Inc - Spike Wilner - Harry Thomas Wilson III - Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson - Tom Wilson - Windham Arts Alliance - Windham Ashland Jewett Central School - Windham Chamber of Commerce - Windham Foundation - Brent & Tina Winn - Alex Wintz - WIOX - Marc Wolf - Woodstock Playhouse - Ben & Catharine Woodward - WRIP 97.9 - Miki Yamanaka - Eli Yamin - Charles Yang - Peter Yarin - Diana Yates - Jonathan Yates - Maimouna Youssef - Eugenia Zukerman - Ben Zweig - and many, many more!
AUG 8, 2019
The pastoral work of making sustainable jazz
[…] Catskill Jazz Factory, as you will learn below, can be accurately described as an organization with global ambition. But the grassroots, pastoral work of manufacturing jazz talent and an audience for it (for it is a “factory”) takes place at venues of all kinds right here in the Catskills and mid-Hudson: a sustainable jazz pilot study in an unlikely location. From our high theaters, colleges and clubs to any old ad hoc nook that will have it, there is nary a community center, library or church that they haven’t pressed into service as a temporary Blue Note at one time or another.
JULY 3, 2019
Bard’s Spiegeltent to host Catskill Jazz Factory’s “Singers & Songbooks” series
[…] All of which is to say that Bard College’s long-running, fruitful collaboration with the Catskill Jazz Factory (CJF) is the natural culmination of a cultural recognition many decades in the making. Jazz is high. Kneel to it.
RT @BBCInTune: We have a studio full of talent from America and Armenia - New Generation Festival and @23AInitiative present Music… https://t.co/UhG1zr4lCc
RT @NGF_Firenze: #ThrowbackThursday to Jazz delights at Crazy Coqs with #NGF2019 performers Shenel Johns, @AnushH_Soprano and Domini… https://t.co/aFnuoCEUU5
Excited to be bringing this concert back to the #HudsonValley on June 1 with @hudsonhallny https://t.co/F3rbNGcNax
Coming up: